
Weave Your Forest Story


Wildcraft Dyeing provides extensive training and mentorship on how to forage, process and use natural dyes from plants, lichens and mushrooms.

We also provide expertise in textiles with a strong focus in historical fiber research. Wildcraft Dyeing is based on a passion for sustainability, and a love for exploring natural dyeing, especially here in the Pacific Northwest of North America to create vibrant colours. We have been teaching workshops related to natural dyeing, spinning and weaving since 2003.


Explore the nexus of nature, fiber and history as we enrich our art, lives, clothing, regalia and more through colour. Learn about the many plants, lichens and mushrooms that carry a rainbow inside as we open up ways to explore, perceive and celebrate our forests.

Zoe also works professionally as a wildlife ecologist on endangered species and is of settler descent. A big part of her focus is how we can work together to heal the harm of colonialism while also conserving the beautiful coastal forests and wetlands of British Columbia.

If you like what you read here, please consider hosting a natural dye workshop for your community, friends or association. I am based in Vancouver, BC.



Natural Dyeing with Mushrooms

The Museum of Vancouver supported the creation of this short documentary on our exploration of natural dyeing with mushrooms and lichens.


Boost your colour game

Explore nature, share the colours and tell your story.