Creeping Buttercup
Natural dyeing with this ubiquitous roadside plant - the creeping buttercup.
Mushroom: Boletus edulis
Mushroom dyeing is an exciting frontier in dyeing that will massively expand your colour palette. Here we go over dyeing with Boletus edulis, aka the King Bolete or Porchini. Arguably one of the most famous fungi on the planet.
Galium aparine: aka Common Bedstraw or Cleavers
Our native Galium, aka Cleavers or Common bedstraw, provides a surprising lush coral red.
Cedar Bark Dyeing - Black and Grey
Using iron and logwood to get shades of grey and true black.
Scotch Broom - do two varieties dye differently?
Testing out natural dyeing with the flowers from two varies of this highly invasive species.
Mohair Skeins with Local Materials
Goal: dyeing three hand-spun mohair skeins different colours using only natural materials from around the neighbourhood - giant horsetail and dandelions.
Stinging Nettle
Harvested in early May, this native herbaceous plant yields a fresh yellowy-green and chocolate brown.
Hypomyces lactifluorum, aka Lobster Mushroom
Dyeing pinks and oranges with lobster mushroom (Hypomyces lactifluorum).
Boost your colour game.
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