I started with three hand-spun skeins all roughly 100 grams apiece - one was premordanted with alum (16% Weight of Fiber) and two with iron (6% WOF). The dyes themselves came from two plants: giant horsetail (Equisetum telmateia), dandelions (whole plant - not pictured) and just dandelion flowers (pictured). Two of the vats had an addition of approximately 1 cup of dried locally-harvested dyers polypore (Phaeolus schweinitzii) - see below. The nice part of a project like is blending materials like plants and mushrooms together because the goal is to end up with colourful skeins at the end.
TLDR: Three 100 gram skeins:
Premordant iron, giant horsetail with dyers polypore mushroom - olive green
Premordant iron, dandelion (whole) - deep grey
Premordant alum, dandelion (flowers) with dyers polypore mushroom and a tablespoon of vinegar - bright yellow