Polyozellus multiplex
Blue? Black? Grey? What colour will blue chanterelle give today?
The fungi family Thelephoraceae contains other geni besides Polyozellus, including several other mushroom taxa which are ex cellent dyers including Boletopsis, Hydnellum and Sarcodon. Polyozellus is more commonly known as the blue chanterelle or black chanterelle in Alaska. It’s an edible mushroom found in spruce and fir forests here on the west coast. It has a very pleasant salty mushroomy smell in the dye pot which helps explain its popularity in fine dining. But today I simmered the crap out of it to try and get some good colours.
TLDR: 32 grams mushroom, 16 grams wool, simmered most of one day, premordanting with iron gave darker greys than premordanting with alum.